Terms and Conditions
The content of this website presentation by Origin Capital Management Pte Ltd (referred to as the “Company”) is not updated in real time and should not be taken as a representation of the Company's present activities. For current and detailed information about the Company's activities, please contact us.
The content of this website does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities.
Receipt and acceptance of the information contained in this website presentation shall constitute an agreement by the Recipient that, among other things, this presentation shall not in any manner whatsoever be copied, reproduced, modified or distributed to any third party, either in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company.
All information contained herein shall be kept confidential by the Recipient and that the Recipient shall not reveal or disclose to any third party without written consent of the Company the information that has been made available to the Recipient.
This presentation contains proprietary and confidential information regarding the Company and is based on information deemed by the Company to be reliable. In furnishing this presentation, the Company undertakes no obligation to provide Recipients of this presentation with access to any additional information or to update this presentation or to correct any inaccuracies that may be contained herein.
In addition, certain estimates and projections prepared by the Company are put forth in this website presentation. Such estimates and projections are subject to significant economic, business and other uncertainties beyond the control of Company. Although such projections are believed to be realistic, no representations can be made as to their attainability. While the information set forth herein are deemed by the Company to be accurate, the Company shall not be held liable for the accuracy of, or omissions from this presentation, and for any other written or oral communication transmitted to the Recipient and any other party in the course of its evaluation of transactions involving the Company.
Risk Disclosure
Venture capital, or early stage investing involves risks, including loss of capital and illiquidity. Origin Capital Management Pte Ltd does not guarantee that its investments will achieve their investment objectives. Please read and accept our risk considerations below before continuing and and seek professional counsel where relevant.
Origin Capital Management Pte Ltd (the “Company”) is a is a Singapore-incorporated asset management firm holding a Capital Markets Services License for Venture Capital Fund Management (Capital Markets Service License number: 101037 w.e.f 13 January 2021), regulated under the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”).
The Company’s venture capital fund offerings are accessible ONLY to accredited investors as defined below.
If you are a Singapore tax-resident – Accredited investors are defined in Schedule 4A of Singapore’s Securities and Futures Act (Chapter 289), Securities and Futures (Classes of Investors), Regulations 2018.
If you are a foreign individual or corporation and not a tax-resident in Singapore – Kindly ensure that you fall under an equivalent class under the jurisdiction of the country where you maintain your tax residency. (If you are uncertain of your accredited investor status, you may check in with your legal advisor or drop us an inquiry. Please note that we are unable to provide you with a formal legal opinion on this matter.)
In making an investment decision into any fund managed by the Company, any prospective investor must rely on their own examination of any possible tax implications, any legal requirements, any financial and other consequences of each investment, including the merits and risks involved. In particular, you are reminded of the following:
On any given investment, loss of principal is possible.
Your investment is illiquid, with very limited transferability in secondary markets.
Projected performance of any investee company are only estimates of future results and based on the financial projections prepared by each company’s management. There can be no assurance that such projections will be attained, and that actual results may differ significantly.